Karl Lagasse
Karl Lagasse is a self-taught artist. Born in Paris on April 4, 1981, in a family of artists.
Today Karl Lagasse is a photographer, painter, video artist and a sculptor. He has shows in Europe, the United States and an upcoming exhibition in India.
In 2004, he decided to run from the bustle of the capital and moved to Normandy. There, he transformed the ground floor of his mothers house in a gallery - "the Work Shop - where he shows his work and offers a the possibility to do so to other artists too. His works are, as he likes to say, born out of a "spontaneous, irresponsible" approach that follows "the course of his emotions". Once the work completed, he perceives "his own subjectivity and his truth".
His works are constructed as points of reflection on himself and the. The Buildings, inspired by New Yorkers skyscrapers, represent at the same time his fascination for the United States and his "need to build". Constructed from raw materials (cement, wood, glass), they also have an aerial quality to them. Produced in 2009, his famous works reinterpreting the dollar sign also show his fascination for the United States .
In 2012, the artist has produced the sculpture "Building" for the 65th Cannes film festival, retracing the festival history, as well as a bronze piece that he offered as a gift to the city of Deauville.